
We are committed to producing the highest quality print products in a safe work-place with the least possible impact on the environment.

At Thistle we are committed to a safe work place where our production leaves the smallest possible environmental footprint. We have been leaders in adopting new initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment while providing a safer workplace.  We were one of the first commercial printers in Canada to get Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certification.  Our continued pursuit of new innovations to reduce our environmental impact has resulted in Thistle Printing being named the most environmentally friendly printer in Canada at the Print Action’s Environmental Printing Awards.

As your print partner, we will work with you to ensure your project is eco-friendly. We will advise you on paper and ink choices and guarantee you support the best environmental practices in your printing decisions.

In addition to the natural environment, Thistle Printing is committed to safeguarding our employees, the protection of our resources and the continual improvement of the work environment.  Compliance with applicable regulations is the absolute minimum requirement as our staff is dedicated to continually reducing the risk of injury and loss of resources in the workplace.